Blood Orange (Focus)

Blood Orange (Focus) All-in-One (1g)


Meet your new favorite co-pilot for all things requiring a keen eye and a clear head: our Delta 8 All-In One Cart in Blood Orange Focus. It’s like the sharp, energetic cousin of every fruit you’ve ever loved, wrapped up into one zest-packed experience. Whether you’re plotting your next novel or just plotting your day, this cart infuses every moment with a burst of blood orange brilliance. Perfect for those who thrive outdoors or need a burst of clarity while writing or reading. It’s not just a flavor; it’s a lifeline to peak performance. So next time you lace up your boots for a hike or park yourself in your reading nook, bring along this little gem. It’s the kind of focused energy that makes you feel like you can conquer from the comfort of your desk—or the top of a mountain. See full COA documentation.


How Long Will This Last Me?

Light user – 3-4 weeks

Medium user – 1-2 weeks

Heavy user – 3days-1 week

  • Mg/Package: 880Mg Delta 8 THC
  • Total available Cannabinoids: 88%
  • Total Available THC: 88%
Effects: Warm, Active, Clear, Good for reading writing and light activities.
  • Active
  • Clear headed
  • Warm